Edmonton Law Courts Phone Number | Contact Information and Directory

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Discover the Convenient Edmonton Law Courts Phone Number

As a law enthusiast, or someone involved in the legal system, having quick and easy access to Edmonton Law Courts phone number is crucial. It provides a direct line of communication to the necessary resources and information needed for legal matters. This blog post will provide you with the Edmonton Law Courts phone number and explore the importance of having this contact readily available.

Edmonton Law Courts Phone Number

Court Division Phone Number
Civil Division 780-422-2492
Family Division 780-422-2492
Criminal Division 780-422-4492

Having these phone numbers easily accessible can make a significant difference when dealing with legal matters. Whether you are a lawyer, litigant, or member of the public, having direct access to the specific division you need can save time and provide peace of mind.

Why Important?

Consider following scenarios:

  1. lawyer urgently needs file document court needs confirm filing deadline.
  2. individual has question about family court matter needs speak court clerk.
  3. member public needs information regarding criminal case wants speak someone courthouse.

In each of these situations, having immediate access to the Edmonton Law Courts phone number is invaluable. It provides a direct line of communication to get the necessary information or assistance required.

Case Study: The Impact of Accessibility

Let`s take a look at a case study that demonstrates the impact of having easy access to Edmonton Law Courts phone number.

John, a lawyer, received an urgent request from a client to file a document with the civil division of the court. The client informed John that the document needed to be filed by a specific deadline to avoid potential consequences.

With the Edmonton Law Courts phone number readily available, John was able to call the civil division directly and confirm the filing deadline. This allowed him to promptly prepare and file the document, ultimately avoiding any potential negative outcomes for his client.

Having the Edmonton Law Courts phone number at your fingertips can make a significant difference in navigating legal matters effectively and efficiently. Whether it`s for civil, family, or criminal divisions, having direct access to the specific division you need can save time and provide peace of mind.

So, keep these phone numbers accessible, and never underestimate the power of a direct line to the Edmonton Law Courts.


Contract for Edmonton Law Courts Phone Number

This contract is entered into on this [insert date] by and between the Edmonton Law Courts, hereinafter referred to as “the Court”, and [insert Party Name], hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”.

Article 1 – Purpose The purpose of this contract is to establish the terms and conditions under which the Contractor shall provide the Court with a dedicated phone number for use in official court communications.
Article 2 – Term The term of this contract shall commence on [insert start date] and shall continue until terminated by either party in accordance with the provisions set forth herein.
Article 3 – Scope Services The Contractor shall provide the Court with a dedicated phone number for use in official court communications, including but not limited to scheduling, notifications, and other related matters.
Article 4 – Compensation In consideration for the services provided by the Contractor, the Court shall pay the Contractor a monthly fee of [insert amount] for the duration of this contract.
Article 5 – Termination This contract may be terminated by either party upon [insert number] days written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Contractor shall provide a seamless transition of services to the Court.
Article 6 – Governing Law This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Alberta.
Article 7 – Entire Agreement This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.


Discover the Answers to 10 Burning Legal Questions About Edmonton Law Courts Phone Number

Question Answer
1. What is the phone number for the Edmonton Law Courts? The phone number for the Edmonton Law Courts is 780-422-2492. It`s like the heartbeat of the legal system in Edmonton, always there, always buzzing with activity.
2. Can I call the Edmonton Law Courts to ask about my case? Absolutely! You can call the Edmonton Law Courts to inquire about your case, but keep in mind that the staff might not be able to provide detailed legal advice. It`s like calling a doctor`s office with a medical question – they can only go so far over the phone.
3. What are the operating hours for the Edmonton Law Courts? The Edmonton Law Courts are open from 8:15 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday. It`s like a busy beehive during these hours, with lawyers, judges, and litigants buzzing around.
4. Can I request court documents over the phone from the Edmonton Law Courts? Unfortunately, court documents cannot be requested or obtained over the phone. You`ll have to make a trip to the Edmonton Law Courts in person to retrieve them. It`s like a treasure hunt, but with legal documents instead of gold.
5. Is there a directory available for contacting specific departments within the Edmonton Law Courts? Yes, there is a directory available for contacting specific departments within the Edmonton Law Courts. You can find it on their official website. It`s like having a map to navigate through a complex maze.
6. Can I schedule a court appearance by calling the Edmonton Law Courts? No, court appearances cannot be scheduled over the phone. You`ll need to follow the proper procedures and protocols to schedule a court appearance. It`s like a well-choreographed dance, with each step needing to be executed precisely.
7. What is the address of the Edmonton Law Courts? The address of the Edmonton Law Courts is 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, Alberta. It`s like the epicenter of legal matters in Edmonton, where important decisions are made every day.
8. Can I submit legal documents to the Edmonton Law Courts over the phone? No, legal documents cannot be submitted over the phone. You`ll have to physically deliver them to the Edmonton Law Courts or send them by mail. It`s like mailing a letter to a friend, but with much higher stakes.
9. Are there any alternative contact methods for the Edmonton Law Courts? Yes, you can contact the Edmonton Law Courts via email or fax for certain inquiries. It`s like having additional channels to reach out to them, in case the phone lines are busy.
10. Can I find information about court cases or judgments by calling the Edmonton Law Courts? While general information about court cases or judgments may be available over the phone, detailed and specific information may require in-person visits or formal requests. It`s like peeling back layers of an onion – the juiciest details are often hidden deep within.